Our Best three dark roasts in one blend. A unique flavour profile combining an amazingly sweet, mild full body and a rich Indonesian bean. The resulting coffee is a complex brew that highlights the features of each coffee roast.
Nicest dark roast I've ever had
When you open the bag, the smell from the beans alone lets you know that this is going to be a very special coffee!
A little too Stormy for my taste
I liked the Low Acid blends with the lighter taste better.
Best dark road
This is the best dark roast I have found anywhere. If you like a Dark French Roast style then this is it. Very dark and oily but incredibly smooth LOw acid, blended with a nice mix that includes some Sumatra. I brew it with a pour over method with a Chemex which is just absolutely amazing also brews extremely well in French press. Grind it fresh daily for best results. Highly recommended